Girls Around Me FAQ
What�s it for?
Do you ever wonder where to go for a night out, where the coolest place is, where there are lots of pretty girls, or how to meet someone new and interesting? Girls Around Me helps you do all this!
Girls Around Me scans your surroundings and helps you find out where girls or guys are hanging out. You can also see the ratio of girls to guys in different places around you. Choose the best place to go, or even start meeting people directly from the app.
Do you publish personal information?
No. We only use publicly available information that we retrieve from the Foursquare and Facebook APIs. We process this information and display it on the screen of your phone. We have no access to your login details; they are stored on the Foursquare and Facebook servers. Authorisation is carried out on their side.
What is Foursquare?
Foursquare is a mobile platform with geopositioning functionality that makes it easier and more interesting to find out about cities. When you �check in� via the smartphone application or SMS, this informs your friends of your location and earns you points and virtual badges. Foursquare tracks real events, allows users to mark places they would like to visit and shows them tips about interesting events nearby. Girls Around Me collects this information and lets you view it on your phone.
Why do I need to register with Foursquare?
Foursquare is what Girls Around Me uses to get information about events and check-ins. Foursquare only shares this information with its users. That�s why you need to be registered with Foursquare to use Girls Around Me.
What does Girls Around Me do?
Girls Around Me gathers information from Foursquare and Facebook, processes it and displays it in an easily understandable format. Girls Around Me displays user photographs and profiles, and also lets you contact them directly from the application. This makes it quicker and easier to find and meet people.
The application can�t find my location. What settings do I need to change?
iPhone: Check your iPhone settings (Settings -> Geolocation). Geolocation should be enabled. Further down, Girls Around Me must be included in the list of applications that are allowed to access your geolocation details.
Android: Check your phone settings (Settings -> Location and security). Location servicies should be enabled.
How can I improve search quality?
You can make a big difference to a repeat search by moving the target location slightly (moving the map a little to the right, left, up or down).
Why am I not getting many search results?
Probably because not many people have checked in at the location where you are searching. People usually go to bars in the evening. Maybe you are zoomed out too far - try zooming in and searching again. Se the tip on �How to improve search results�.
What is Energy?
Energy is the fuel that the Girls Around Me scanner runs on. You can�t scan without energy.
I�ve almost run out of energy, what do I do?
If you�ve run out of energy, you can wait for it to increase again on its own, or you can top it up. To top up, tap the Energy meter and follow the instructions.